Donation and sponsorship information

To learn more about the project, the trail and how you can help our community by contributing to its construction, download the brochures below.

Fundraising document - contains full information on the trail, the project, and trail and sponsorship benefits - PDF 1.3MB

Fundraising brochure - reduced version of the full document - PDF 859KB


Walk it. Bike it. Love it. Support it!

Please support the development of the trail by donating today. 

As a registered charity we rely upon funding and donations to build The Waimate Trail. 

You can donate any amount online by pressing the button below or donate directly into our bank account and save us the 5.7% credit card fee.

Every dollar counts!

Bank Account Name: Pro-Ject Waimate Inc

Bank Account No: 02-0892-0079980-000

If you, or your business, want to donate over $500, download the Donation and Sponsorship Information brochure and learn more about the benefits of trail sponsorship.


Get in touch

For further information or to get a copy of the full Sponsorship Brochure, please contact: 

Jo Sutherland - phone 022 088 7730, or send an email.

W2G Office - phone 020 421 0206, or send an email.