Funding Stage 1 of the Waimate Trail

The cost of Stage 1 is approximately $1.4 million. Every dollar received is a step closer to making the trail a reality!

We’ve completed the detailed design for Stage 1 and construction has begun.

The Waimate Trail has strong community support and will be a fantastic asset for our region.

We’re working with key project partners including Waimate District Council, landowners, Te Rūnanga O Waihao, Department of Conservation and NZ Transport Agency.

We’re busy applying for funding and we’d love businesses and the community to help us reach this target.

Stage 1 details

This 13km section from Waimate to Waihao Forks will be a world-class stand-alone trail that will be part of the 67km loop. 

Starting on the Old Waimate Branch Railway it meanders through the Waimate gorge and alongside the Studholme Bush Scenic Reserve. It passes by Kapua wetland, home to the largest find of moa bones in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

The Studholme Bush Reserve is home to endemic native birdlife including korimako (bellbird), tui, kereru (native wood pigeon), piwakawaka (fantail), and titipounamu (rifleman). It is hoped in time native species like pekapeka (bats), kakariki and kaka (parrots) and tuatara will be re-introduced.

The trail continues down the railway leading to spectacular limestone rocks above the Waihao River then winds down a gentle hill above farmlands to rejoin the railway line at the Waihao Forks Hotel. 

Walkers, runners and cyclists will enjoy incredible views of Waihao Downs and inland to the Hunters Hills.

Get in touch

For further information please contact: 

Jo Sutherland - phone 022 088 7730, or send an email