“Waimate, A Walk Through Our History”
The new booklet “Waimate, A Walk Through Our History” was launched on Sunday 14th of March at Bushtown Steam Up Day. It is now available for free at the Information Centre, The Museum, Community Link and a variety of outlets throughout Waimate.
The booklet is a guide to a heritage walk trail through downtown Waimate with emphasis on historic and noteworthy buildings, monuments and landmarks.
There are colour photographs and a brief description of the history and former and current usage of a variety of sites all of which were chosen for their significance to the growth and development of Waimate over the years.
The booklet is designed to be used as a reference by both visitors and locals and also includes QR codes which when scanned lead to a website which will have lot more detailed information on the site selected when completed.
There is also a section on the iconic Waimate 50 which has been and continues to be a major attraction in Waimate.
Rob Smith launching the booklet at Bushtown Steam Up Day.